Weave Love Into Your Home Design
Valentine’s Day has many meanings depending on who you ask about it. Some people believe it’s a holiday designed to sell things. Others love it because it embodies the essence and reminder to connect with our loved ones. And others hate it because it reminds them that they are alone or lonely.
But what does it really mean? Where did it come from?
It goes back to the year 496 to a Saint named Valentine. Of course no one knows the exact story as this goes so far back in time. But his story is a story of love. And sacrifice.
Some versions of his tale include him healing his prisoner’s daughter from blindness. Others account that he married couples to spare their husbands during war. He was the embodiment of love, compassion and eventually great sacrifice.
He was persecuted and sacrificed his life on February 14, 496. He died a martyr (i.e. a person who dies for their beliefs). He gave of himself every single day. He gave love.
So what does this have to do with your home?
Instead of waiting for this holiday once a year, it’s important that we capture the essence of love. That we acknowledge it daily.
That we create a sacred space with our loved ones. A space where we can share daily. Where we feel safe to be vulnerable.
Strategies for Weaving Love Into Your Home
Strategy One: Define Your Family Values
Sit down with your family. Make space. And talk about your core values. Reflect, share and take as much time as you need to get clarity. Do it as a family unit. You must all agree in the end.
Questions to Consider:
What is it that pulls you together?
What do you share?
What are the 4 or 5 core values that make you a family unit?
Once you are clear on your values, it gives you a better framework and foundation for what you want to build in your home.
For example, if one of your core values is fun, you want to make sure that you build fun into your space. How? By having a creativity corner in your living room. By using playful colors that remind you to be playful.
And if love is a core family value, you can start building that into your design. Do your children feel loved most during reading time? If so, build a magical library or reading nook for family time. If your family values cuddle time, design spaces for cuddling throughout your home.
Have fun with the design. Get everyone involved. Be creative. There are no wrong answers here.
Strategy Two: Play with Your Senses
Now that you have your values defined, it’s time to discover how to tap into them. How can we build our values into our physical space?
Here are some questions to get your creative juices flowing and conversations going:
- What smells make you feel (add value here-i.e. Love or fun)?
- Do you like the scent of lavender because it makes you feel safe and at home?
- Do you like candles burning in a particular scent because it reminds you of a particular essence?
- What colors or art or things you can see in your home make you feel (add value here)?
- Do you want to see items from your travel experiences in your home?
- Do you want to see art from your children?
- What things help you feel like your home is giving you a big hug?
- What “feels” do you need to feel (add value here)?
- Do you need soft things in your home to feel comforted and loved?
- Do you like firm furniture because it makes you feel grounded and safe?
- Do you like your home to be warm or cooler?
- What do you want to hear in your home to make you feel (add value here)?
- Do you want quiet? Or perhaps you want to hear flowing water?
- Do you want to hear music or background noise?
- Are there other sounds that help you feel loved, grounded and at home?
- What do you want to taste in your home to make you feel (add value here)?
- Are there any nostalgic flavors that bring you back to a memory that’s tied to your values?
- Do you want mints in rooms around your home because it brings you back to love?
- Do you have a special snack you always want in the kitchen because it brings your children comfort?
Take your time going through this list. Get creative and expand on the questions. Really tap into your senses. This will help you get ideas for building love and your family values into your home.
When we design our spaces with intention, it allows us to feel connected, safe and at home.
Strategy Three: Work with a Pro
Sometimes this can feel overwhelming. Or perhaps you have no idea where to start even with the questions above.
That’s why I love working with homeowners. I want to help you find your inner creative genius. I want to help you design your dream space.
I love learning about my clients. Home is where the heart is. And I am here to guide you to building spaces in your home that embody love and your family values.
If you’re ready to weave love and intention into your home, I would love to talk.
Let’s schedule a consultation today.